School Council

Our School Council

School Council, within the framework of overall state policy guidelines, develops systems and processes that best suit our students. Council has a range of responsibilities, including:

  • policy making;
  • general facilities and grounds usage and maintenance;
  • budget approval and oversight;
  • employment of the principal and some staff (including Out of School Hours coordinators); and
  • community participation.

Whilst overall policy is determined by School Council the day to day programs and operation of the school are the responsibility of the principal and staff.

Composition of Council

School Council is structured to represent the joint interests and responsibilities of teachers and parents for the education of children. Each school council decides on their composition and the numbers of representatives in each category. Our council consists of eleven members in total: six parent members and five DET members including the principal. Councillors serve a two-year term, with half the Council standing for election each year. Elections are held prior to March 31 each year.

Sub Committees

The following sub committees have been established to assist in the operation of School Council:

  • Strategic Planning
  • Finance
  • Education
  • Grounds and buildings
  • Fundraising
  • Out of School Hours Care (OSHC)

Membership of these sub committees is open to parents and teachers. Nominations for membership are called for annually. All sub committees include teachers and at least one School Council representative.
Whilst School Council has the ultimate decision-making responsibility the sub committees initiate improvements, make recommendations and lead the implementation of plans.


The School Council does not act in a vacuum. It seeks to involve the whole school community and, where appropriate, the wider community. Important policy initiatives are moulded in the light of wide consultations with parents, staff and where necessary, students. Involvement in the sub-committees of the School Council is open to both elected members of School Council and members of the general school community. Involvement is generally sought annually, with interest and a willingness to allocate time and ideas being the chief requirements.

Our School Council invites all parents to participate in the work and activities of School Council. Subcommittees are an excellent avenue for such involvement. The council meets at least once per term, usually on a Tuesday evening. School Council meetings are open for observers to attend, and the minutes of meetings are available through the office. Parents are also kept informed through School Council articles in the school newsletter following each meeting.

We invite all parents to consider involvement in this important governing body of our school. Half the Council is up for re-election each year, prior to March 31. Nominations are called via the school’s website and official nomination forms are available from the school office. Elections, involving the whole school community, are held if the number of nominations exceeds the number of vacancies on Council.

Membership of sub-committees is open to any school community member, based on interest. It is not necessary to be a member of School Council to join a sub-committee. Sub-committees such as the Fundraising sub-committee are vital to the community life of the school and rely on broad membership to achieve its aim of catering for the fundraising needs of the school.

Dear Valkstone Primary School Community,

I am delighted to welcome you all to Valkstone Primary School. As your School Council President, I am honoured to be part of such a vibrant, diverse and committed community dedicated to fostering an excellent educational environment for our children.

The School Council plays a pivotal role in ensuring that Valkstone Primary School continues to thrive and meet the needs of all our students. Our primary objective is to collaborate with the school leadership, teachers, parents and the wider community to support the strategic direction and governance of the school. Through careful planning, resource management and policy development, we strive to enhance the educational experience for every student.

The School Council is supported by several sub-committees, each focusing on specific areas crucial to the school’s success, including Fundraising, Finance, Grounds and Buildings, and Out of School Hours Care (OSHC).

We strongly believe that the success of our School Council and its sub-committees relies on the active participation and collaboration of our community members. Your insights, skills and enthusiasm are invaluable in helping us achieve our goals. Therefore, I warmly invite all parents, guardians and community members to consider volunteering your time and expertise. Whether you have a few hours to spare or can commit to a regular role, your contribution can make a significant difference.

If you are interested in volunteering or learning more about how you can get involved, please reach out to us via the school office. Together we can continue to make Valkstone Primary School a place where every child thrives and feels valued.

Thank you for your ongoing support and commitment to our school community.

Best regards,

Huw Carisbrooke
School Council President
Valkstone Primary School