Assistant Principal’s Message

At Valkstone Primary School, we’re committed to nurturing curious minds and lifelong learners who will thrive in tomorrow’s world. As the Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning Excellence, I’m proud to oversee our innovative educational approach that puts students at the centre of their learning journey. Since starting in the role in late 2023, I have been privileged to see firsthand the high levels of academic achievement, outstanding teaching practices and enthusiastic parent involvement our school prides itself on. I am thankful everyday to be part of the Valkstone Primary School Community.

Our dedicated teachers employ evidence-based strategies to engage students in meaningful learning experiences across all subject areas. As well as Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Humanities, Valkstone Primary School has specialist classes in Physical Education, LOTE – Japanese, Music, Visual Arts and STEM.

Valkstone Primary School has a professional learning community (PLC) culture, where teachers collaborate purposefully to design student learning experiences that are both responsive and targeted to learners’ needs. This collaborative approach involves analysing student data, sharing insights, and leveraging collective expertise to develop instructional strategies that challenge and support all students. Through this shared responsibility, teachers create a dynamic learning environment where every learner is equipped to succeed and thrive.

Teachers are supported by an English Learning Specialist, Mathematics Learning Specialist, English as Additional Language (EAL) teacher and Literacy and Numeracy Intervention Teacher. A Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) provides a framework to ensure the diverse student learning needs across the school are met.

Students have opportunities to participate in many extracurricular programs also, including chess, learning to play musical instruments and choir. Adventure camps for Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 students are offered to complement our rigorous curriculum. Students in Years 3 to 6 also have the option to participate in ICAS Assessments each year.

If you have any questions regarding the curriculum, assessment and pedagogical practices at Valkstone Primary School, please don’t hesitate to make a time to see me.

Kind regards,

Verity Sheppard
Assistant Principal | Teaching & Learning Excellence