Literacy & Numeracy
At Valkstone Primary School, we use best practices in our literacy instruction, aligned with the Science of Reading framework and guided by current research and evidence-based methods.
The essential elements of reading are the ‘Big 6’ (Konza, 2014), which inform our planning, teaching and assessment as part of our structured literacy approach:
- Oral Language: Developing speaking and listening skills.
- Phonological Awareness: Understanding and manipulating sounds in words.
- Phonics: Connecting sounds to letters and spelling patterns.
- Vocabulary: Building a strong word bank for reading and writing.
- Fluency: Reading smoothly with speed, accuracy and expression.
- Comprehension: Understanding and interpreting text meaning.
We recognise the critical importance of explicit phonics instruction in developing proficient, confident and enthusiastic readers. In Prep – Year 2, we implement Multisensory Structured Language (MSL) approach through a minimum of 25 minutes of daily explicit instruction, where students develop their phonic and word knowledge. Students access decodable books, which are specifically designed using simple, phonetic words to support early readers to practise and apply their learnt phonics skills.
In Years 3 – 6, as students generally transition from learning to read to reading to learn, the reading instruction builds on the foundational skills. The daily literacy block focuses on promoting fluency, expanding vocabulary and enhancing comprehension through diverse texts and higher-order thinking skills. Teachers are passionate about fostering a love for reading through engaging activities and a literacy-rich environment.
At Valkstone Primary School, we use the 6+1 Traits of Writing to guide our instruction and help students become proficient writers. This framework focuses on seven key elements:
- Ideas: Encouraging students to develop clear and compelling content.
- Organisation: Teaching the importance of logical structure and flow.
- Voice: Helping students express their unique perspective and personality.
- Word Choice: Guiding students to select precise and engaging vocabulary.
- Sentence Fluency: Promoting varied sentence structures for smooth readability.
- Conventions: Emphasising correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
- Presentation: Ensuring the final product is polished and visually appealing.
By focusing on these traits, we provide a comprehensive approach that addresses all aspects of effective writing, ensuring that our students develop into skilled and confident writers.
We utilise high quality Mentor Texts, which demonstrate exemplary writing techniques, allowing students to analyse and emulate effective elements. Mentor Texts serve as a model to inspire and guide students in developing their writing skills.
To ensure that all students have their individual needs met, we have a multi-tiered approach to literacy intervention. We offer small group intervention (Tier 2) as well as differentiated instruction (Tier 1) within the classroom. Teachers use the Valkstone Primary School Instructional Model to enable students to assess prior knowledge, experience current knowledge and then apply their learnings.
Valkstone Primary School’s mathematics program equips students with the essential mathematical ideas, knowledge and skills. We are committed to delivering high quality mathematical instruction for all students, by setting attainable goals based on data gained through ongoing assessments. Sequentially developed learning is based on the Victorian Curriculum’s Mathematics strands of Number, Algebra, Measurement, Space, Statistics and Probability. The proficiencies of:
- understanding (connecting the how and why of mathematical concepts)
- fluency (readily selecting and carrying out mathematical procedures)
- reasoning (explaining, proving and justifying choices)
- problem solving (interpreting and investigating problem situations)
are embedded within these strands.
Mathematics teaching is differentiated to provide just the right amount of challenge for students and to progress their learning from their point of need. Mathematics lessons take place daily and are guided by the school’s instructional model. Components of Maths lessons include:
- a lesson focus made explicit through learning intentions
- whole class direct instruction, explicit teaching and modelling
- independent, partner, and group work
- the use of materials to assist with understanding concepts
- open-ended, problem-solving activities
- teacher monitoring of learning via observation, questioning and ongoing assessment
- provision of targeted feedback to students.
To ensure that all students have their individual needs met, we have a multi-tiered approach to mathematics intervention. We offer small group intervention (Tier 2) as well as differentiated instruction (Tier 1) within the classroom.